Actually I found this pic long time ago in a picture digest called "dirty girls" or some sort like that :) Unfortunately no one there was able to address me about where this shoot was from.
This could be a hard one: I found this pic in a magazine about the upcoming 2008 Daytona Bike Week.
Someone recognize the girl on the left, wearing that silly Harley Davidson bikini? Thanks and enjoy!
Her segment is taken from a movie called "incredible cumshots compilation" available through the net, ****** also I think. She's in the middle of the movie.
I can add that MetArt lists her as "Karina B".
In a simple search using this terms returns plenty of galleries.
To be honest I think se's just stretching her face due to the "hardcore" job she's going to receive... anyway if someone has her exact name would be appreciated ;)
You mean "Nederland"? Hard to find her though... search returns "Shaggy" instead of a pornstar :D
Hope someone can remember her exact name or some sort of link, even better! But thanks dude, this is definitely a start!
Sorry for the IS inconvenience (was a bit late :crying:). Here as attachment: I made a little mix to avoid confusion and include all the pics I found about her.
Thanks guys
Picture resized. One time only.