Search results

  1. Mr. Daystar

    Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy

    When the breast cancer society of America calls you for a donation, ask how much of every dollar they give to the charity. They will say, a FULL 15% of every dollar goes to those in need. A FULL FIFTEEN PERCENT! Trump is an asshole, and so are all the rest. Look around you, you are surrounded...
  2. Mr. Daystar


    I usually assume he's trying to look like a cheesy 70's porn star, or he had to make a compromise with some girl, who doesn't like facial hair, but can tolerate a stache. That's what I had to put up with 29 years ago, when I was dating the whack job before my wife.
  3. Mr. Daystar

    Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

    And no amount of gun control will stop, or fix it, neither will creating gun free kill zones, where most of these things occur. Anything that happens in a city with mostly democrats at the helm, that have high crime rates already, I chalk it up to a gang member committing the crime. They haven't...
  4. Mr. Daystar


    Ok, first of all, when you say metric or English, what you mean is metric or standard (SAE). By using the word "English", you put my brain straight to "British Standard, which was different them metric, and as far as I can remember, was what you needed to wrench on old Triumph's (car & bike), or...
  5. Mr. Daystar

    Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

    The only people laws work on, are the law abiding.....and they don't do things like this. What California needs to do, is not worry as much about the type of gun, but who has it, and if they are allowed to have it, or, if they're even allowed to be in this country. They need to crush, with...
  6. Mr. Daystar

    Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

    Can;t be. Cali has a ban on high capacity mags, and assault rifles. Must be fake news, because gun laws work.
  7. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on

    Someone knitted a car cozy.
  8. Mr. Daystar

    The Biden Presidency

    Either that, or he was an adulterous sexual deviate of some sort.
  9. Mr. Daystar

    The Biden Presidency

    You do realize that the only difference between these two, and obama, clinton, and both bush's did it to, they just didn't get caught, or something worse happened, and it got pushed aside. You have to go for a ride in the way back machine, to find any politicians that aren't, or wouldn't be...
  10. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on I personally think this is one of the better looking Ferrari's. I like the F50 a little better, but for the more modern cars they produce, I tend to like the 5 big ones, much better then standard production...
  11. Mr. Daystar

    TV Upcoming TV shows/seasons you are looking forward to

    I watched the first episode of "That 90's Show", and I'm not sure I want to watch the second one. It seemed forced, hokey, and like the originals are there out of obligation.
  12. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    But, if this person has some skill, he can bounce a signal around the world before it gets here, can't he. But if he really is in an islamic country, even if he's preaching, they won't tolerate where he's preaching.
  13. Mr. Daystar

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread

    I just found out, and I a so bummed. I love that band, and he did a lot of great projects. I have an album he did with Nash, this one, and also one of my favorite songs, certainly in the top 5 of the groups favorites. Rest In Peace Mr. Crosby, and don't try to sneak a gun through security, like...
  14. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    I can't wait to find out who this actually is. I wish we could bet on it somehow.
  15. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on

    A couple of things in this post. The first is German muscle. I'm not into it much, but Pornfan99 might dig it. Now, for me. I hate the color, it's worse then the first 500 orange, and I'm not a ragtop fan, but this goat is hot...
  16. Mr. Daystar

    QUESTION : What is the connection between Bill Clinton, OJ. Simpson Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump

    If it involves Epstein, the only logical answer is. they all like to do bad things to little kids.
  17. Mr. Daystar

    Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy

    So what you're saying is, it's ok to break the law a little? If Ted Bundy would have only murdered 4 girls, instead of over 30, he should have been given the benefit of the doubt? Biden is just as big of a vile piece of trash, as any other politician to serve, and the democrats are just as...
  18. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    Would you please show me Where the science discussion is?
  19. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    Your wife, will walk right out of your life pal. If she, and her family are as devout as you've said, she won't convert for you, or accept your change. I haven't read his posts in full, much like I never pay attention to the nice black ladies that come around with Jehovah Witness literature...
  20. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on

    My friend Brian always used to ask that. If my car is fully charged, and then power goes out, how long will the car hold the charge, if unused? He passed a few months ago, right before some of these electric hyper cars came out, but Tesla was around. Anyway, he was one of those guys that only...
  21. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on What a shame. Letting a car like this, get like this, is just wrong.
  22. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    I know everyone gets a little "wordy" now and again, I certainly am guilty of it. I have been known, on a regular basis to space out sentences, and thoughts, but the bard here, seems to take great delight in typing out 1/2 page posts, most of which are just him doing a Jehovah Witness...
  23. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on

    My wife has a 09 Accord coupe. It's her second Honda, and I'm sure when the time comes, she'll get another one. They run forever.
  24. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    WOW! Are they paying you by the word Shakespeare?
  25. Mr. Daystar

    >>>The Republican Party Is The Problem

    No, that would be very islamic. If anything, it will require full length skirts, and a fresh batch of cookies brought to every meeting
  26. Mr. Daystar

    Funny Animals Party Animals! Deer getting stoned.
  27. Mr. Daystar

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread Robbie Knivel died. He was in hospice, so thankfully his suffering is over. R.I.P.
  28. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on

    I get it. Sometimes what seems like the most menial of things, can make the biggest difference. I'm the same way about certain things. I believe the dual round tail lights started in 1971. In '68 it was a single rectangle per side, and '69 was the stacked squares. 1970 was a rounded square. The...
  29. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on WOW! I can get over the color real easy for this car. Oddly, as much I dislike bright red, these are about the only cars I love that color on. My Aunt bought a '69 new, and traded it in on a station wagon, after being lied to by...
  30. Mr. Daystar

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread

    @PinkyHole- I've never, ever heard of anything more then her marriages or relationships with Jackson and Cage. Never even heard her sing. Well that sucks. R.I.P. Mr, Bachman. He was a solid drummer, he also seems a little bit younger then the average age of rockers from that era. But then, a...
  31. Mr. Daystar

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread

    I hadn't seen that. Yahoo just had her as critical and on life support after cardiac arrest. She's back with her dad now. R.I.P. I'm surprised she never had a career in acting or singing. Usually children of great singers inherit the talent.
  32. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    Fucking PETA is worse then DEA, ATF, and EPA put together. Normally I wouldn't wish that on anybody, but in this case, fuck it, I hope they throw paint on their goats.
  33. Mr. Daystar

    The Biden Presidency

    I really don't know what scares me more. The fact he thinks his locked garage is secure, or that he drives a Vette. A gas sucking muscle care, for lack of a better word, that takes a little skill to drive, all the while he screams about electric vehicles. I've said it before, neither side is...
  34. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................! Real nice. Try going to a fucking butcher shop.
  35. Mr. Daystar

    The Biden Presidency

    There's a lot od those drugs being brought into, this country by gangs and cartels, or it's being made here, in my opinion likely by gang or cartel members in this country illegally. If the door isn't closed, AND locked, it's open. Politicians of the ultra progressive ilk, aren't trying to...
  36. Mr. Daystar

    Celebrity and Adult Performer Death Thread It is a dark day indeed, for the musical world.
  37. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    Non of that happened. It's all lies and propaganda, spewed out by the corrupt Jew media, and designed to portray muslims as terrorist.
  38. Mr. Daystar


    I like my coffee, how I like my women........ Hot, strong, and slightly bitter.
  39. Mr. Daystar

    The Biden Presidency

    They had a good plan. Build a wall, lock it down, and make people immigrate legally and by the procedures set forth to do so. There's a lot of mischief and mayhem going on because of this open door policy, and considering my 30 year old nephew died last year because of a fentanyl/heroin...
  40. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    No, not them. It's okay if you forget them. Although, they do have special magic underwear, so maybe. Now you have me confused.
  41. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    Don't forget the Torah. We may have some here who believe in Judaism.
  42. Mr. Daystar

    Funny Animals This is why I love animals. Even without an opposable thumb, they can still find a way to give you the finger, or tell you to fuck off!
  43. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    That's why I suggested the name of the thread be changed. There is no science here, just someone thumping the quran, and typing non English text. I was under the impression it was against board rules to use other languages. But I guess it's like a pile up on the freeway. You can't help but look.
  44. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on I can't help but wonder when they'll achieve a high enough horsepower number, to actually be satisfied. I think the car in the other link I posted...
  45. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on Here's a few Mustangs, a Vette, and my favorite, the GTO. I'm not a fan of...
  46. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    In the 1400's, the Knights Templar, were brutal, and slaughtered in the name of Jesus Christ, but at least they evolved into brutal assholes that run for political office. I should have mentioned, I was referring to the U.S.S. Cole, in my above post, but I figured most would know.
  47. Mr. Daystar

    Automotive things going-on I feel for this guy, but personally I have no idea, how someone could actually buy a piece of classic iron, with out looking it over with a magnify glass, and I would trailer it home myself. I don't think I could trust...
  48. Mr. Daystar

    Scientists and the .........................!

    This is an English speaking board. And I don't judge people by what the T.V. says, I judge them by the acts of violence they commit in the name of religion. I don't think that the boat used to blow a hole in a U.S. ship docked in Yemen, was piloted by a bunch of Rabbi's.
  49. Mr. Daystar

    Which country is the biggest threat to world peace ?

    Yeah, not to many people are willing to say that, Israel, is just as guilty as anybody else in the region, for causing trouble. Most of the time, just questioning their motives gets you labeled an anti Semite, and the holocaust card comes right out. and put into play.