S S sexychickcock69 Sep 14, 2009 :love-smi:Thanks wainkerr99. I know that i will enjoy it on here xxx
S S sexychickcock69 Sep 14, 2009 Thank you for introducing me to this site. I'm sure i will enjoy being on here xxx
Facetious Sep 13, 2009 T/Y for taking a liking to my recent response in BlueBall's milestone 13k post thread. :hatsoff: As for "A.P." in your faves column >.................I'd like ta schtick it to her... and goood ! :nannerf2: ~ Late' :wave2:
T/Y for taking a liking to my recent response in BlueBall's milestone 13k post thread. :hatsoff: As for "A.P." in your faves column >.................I'd like ta schtick it to her... and goood ! :nannerf2: ~ Late' :wave2: