Mr. Daystar
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  • Where is the pic of your avatar from? Pretty sure I have seen it on a book, or video game box, but can't place it.
    Thanks for the rep, rev. I would agree with your assessment of her myopic view of the world, especially as it applies to an issue like this one. Her patrician condemnation of those who simply can't afford to do the things she is able to is emblematic of same. It's elitism at its worst. Although I frequently agree with her from a strictly political standpoint depending on the issue in question, her approach is generally confrontational and self-righteous in nature....not a good attitude to assume if one expects people to actually listen to and give serious consideration to your argument. Anyway, thanks again my friend!
    It's an unusual morning, I've got a yard full of vehicles parked up close to my house. It would take some explaining, suffice it to say I haven't reached for the Johnny Walker. Yet. lol
    The rep police say nope on the bass post, but you got me thinking either a PRS bass or going back to the 80's with a Steinberger.
    Thanks for the rep, and I agree on the treason charges. They violated the oath of office to protect and uphold the constitution.
    Sorry just been very busy, last year was one of those years! Glad to see the back of it - I'll try and do some more posting but half my fav posters seem to have been banned and I can't be arsed to post on threads when people believe David Icke is a scientist or that they are the best cook in the world!

    And don't start me on the MissFreeOnes thing .... I might get round to doing a store but I'm always working away on my website so it keeps get put on the back burner!

    Love and Kisses Red XXX
    Thx for the rep :hatsoff:

    It does affect us I guess. We know it means something, and therefore we respect it.
    Thanks for the points and great to hear that you liked it.

    Your post will endure as a monument to righteous and true posts...same as just a regular one but to a low class skanky trash talker one step higher than a crack whore screaming invectives in front of a church on Sunday morning.
    Am I overstating anything?
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