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  • I know I did, you know I did, and so will everyone else who knows her and reads it. Will she? No, and unfortunately that bothers me more.

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:
    Thanks for the rep. In a metaphor for life, I tried to marry the required soupcon of humour with actual salient on topic points for the meat on the bones, and just a sprinkle of nutmeg. :yesyes:
    I got my ten year old to watch it. May have been a mistake because out of nowhere he will ask "Where did you get the grenade, Brick?" and as we were watching the second Hunger Games movie one of the characters uses a trident to kill a guy. My son taps me on the arm and says, "Just like Brick." I have created a monster.
    Well, thank you. :thumbsup: But the "albino midget lesbians" part is the pièce de résistance of your suggested mise-en-scène. (Wait. Two French phrases in one sentence? Now I'm just showing off. :frenchman) Without that aspect, it fails to reach new levels of fetishism as required by our ever-demanding age. It's a fetish wrapped in a desire inside a prediliction (with apologies to Winston Churchill, I guess). :laugh:
    Your comment perfectly illustrated just how varied "fetish" means nowadays. I remember when it was code for "light bondage," but now it can mean almost anything. Including albino midget lesbians, with hair lips. Perhaps even Korean albino midget lesbians, with hair lips and crutches. Now that's a fetish, damnit! :rofl:
    Yeah, I'm usually a "wait for the DVD" bloke myself, I think the only film I went to see at the cinema in the last year was Alpha Papa because I'm a huge mark for Partridge. I worried about them catching lightening in a bottle twice, but the trailers have all made it look hysterical so I'm really excited. "93!!!"
    Thanks for the rep, it was literally the first thing that popped into my head when I read "threat of physical violence." I will fight you. Sequel looks quality, cannae wait!
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