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  • You're welcome Danielle. I respect the art you are creating. I see you as a modern Bettie Page, not just as a performer, but as someone who's willing to push the envelope as a model and artist. I think you deserve our respect and admiration, and not just putting down thoughtless crude comments about your anatomy. You're an intelligent lady with feelings, obviously doing this as a business, and so worthy of compliments.

    It is quite telling that glancing through the PreRaphaelite movement, that your stylistic features and form are the Ideal that most influenced them. Had you been the same age in 1848, you no doubt would have been a favorite model, paramour, and Muse to many artists.
    See Danaë by Klimt

    Say, little maiden with dewdrop eyes
    Caught in a moonbeam's silvery trace,
    What is the meaning of this surprise
    Written across your lilly-face?
    Thrice has the cricket said goodnight
    In the sleepy valley below you there,
    And still I look at the starry light
    That gleams in your golden hair.
    Maiden afloat in the emerald stream
    Of the mighty Slumber Sea,
    In all of the beautiful dreams you dream
    Is there one little place for me?

    What do you see in the wonderlands
    Along the starbright thoroughfare,
    Led by the touch of spirit hands,
    And what do the spirits whisper there?
    Are there silver worlds we know not of?
    They lead your immaculate soul along?
    Are there songs they sing of an unknown love?
    That never on Earth were sung?
    And do they as they hang o'er the bloomset stream
    To loop you a diadem,
    Ask, too, if in all of the dreams you dream
    Perchance there is one for them?
    Arthur Upson
    somewhere i have never traveled,gladly beyond
    any experience,your eyes have their silence:
    in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
    or which i cannot touch because they are too near

    your slightest look easily will unclose me
    though i have closed myself as fingers,
    you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
    (touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose

    or if your wish be to close me, i and
    my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,
    as when the heart of this flower imagines
    the snow carefully everywhere descending;

    nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
    the power of your intense fragility:whose texture
    compels me with the color of its countries,
    rendering death and forever with each breathing

    (i do not know what it is about you that closes
    and opens;only something in me understands
    the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
    nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands
    e.e. cummings
    Or John William Waterhouse "Hylas and the Nymphs"
    We are just as bedazzled, caught spellbound by your loveliness. We are as entranced as Hylas by you.

    Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro
    per la pietà del suo factore i rai,
    quando ì fui preso, et non me ne guardai,
    chè i bè vostr'occhi, donna, mi legaro.

    It was the day the sun's ray had turned pale
    with pity for the suffering of his Maker
    when I was caught, and I put up no fight,
    my lady, for your lovely eyes had bound me.
    You might enjoy Pre-Raphaelite art since you enjoy Faeries. Frank Cadogan Cowper painted Titania, the Queen of Faerie, but his painting of La Belle Dame Sans Merci reminds me of you
    You would surely be a muse for him. You'll have to google the image since we can't send links here.
    As she fled fast thro' sun and shade,
    The happy winds upon her play'd,
    Blowing the ringlet from the braid.
    She look'd so lovely, as she sway'd
    The rein with dainty finger-tips,
    A man had given all other bliss,
    And all his worldly worth for this,
    To waste his whole heart in one kiss
    Upon her perfect lips.
    FILL for me a brimming bowl
    And in it let me drown my soul:
    But put therein some drug, designed
    To Banish Women from my mind:
    For I want not the stream inspiring
    That fills the mind with--fond desiring,
    But I want as deep a draught
    As e'er from Lethe's wave was quaff'd;
    From my despairing heart to charm
    The Image of the fairest form
    That e'er my reveling eyes beheld,
    That e'er my wandering fancy spell'd.
    In vain! away I cannot chace
    The melting softness of that face,
    The beaminess of those bright eyes,
    That breast--earth's only Paradise.
    My sight will never more be blest;
    For all I see has lost its zest:
    Nor with delight can I explore,
    The Classic page, or Muse's lore.
    Had she but known how beat my heart,
    And with one smile reliev'd its smart
    I should have felt a sweet relief,
    I should have felt ``the joy of grief.''
    Yet as the Tuscan mid the snow
    Of Lapland dreams on sweet Arno,
    Even so for ever shall she be
    The Halo of my Memory.
    As once the winged energy of delight
    carried you over childhood's dark abysses,
    now beyond your own life build the great
    arch of unimagined bridges.

    Wonders happen if we can succeed
    in passing through the harshest danger;
    but only in a bright and purely granted
    achievement can we realize the wonder.

    To work with Things in the indescribable
    relationship is not too hard for us;
    the pattern grows more intricate and subtle,
    and being swept along is not enough.

    Take your practiced powers and stretch them out
    until they span the chasm between two
    contradictions...For the god
    wants to know himself in you.
    For you, since Samhain is a time of harvest and maturity, some Yeats:

    HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
    Enwrought with golden and silver light,
    The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
    Of night and light and the half-light,
    I would spread the cloths under your feet:
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
    I have spread my dreams under your feet,
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams

    W.B. Yeats

    Dream well, sweet Danielle, and always be willing to trust a potential lover, but never let them tread upon your dreams. R
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