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  • "Yep, not surprised at all to see all these....demands for "more black cock." Don't care if you're a "gay wigger," or a black chick...."First of all, show some respect. On a biological level, we're all one race. Human beings are one of the most uniform species on the planet. Second, you make yourself look bad with your condescending attitude. Not everyone here thinks and acts like you. You're also incorrect for saying that most of "us" don't care for it. If IR wasn't popular, there wouldn't be much of it. In reality, IR is one of the more popular genre formats. When White men fuck Asian or Spanish/Latina women, that's also interracial. There's been interracial dating since the dawn of time. There are now reports suggesting that modern human beings mated with Neanderthals, which would be considered real interracial. Finally, do you think every black porn star want to fuck white girls all the time? The main reason why they're fucking white chicks is because there's more money involved.
    Yep, looks like it. I've been reporting his comments everywhere, but unfortunately they remain even if the poster was banned.
    @TicklebellyXX: We all know you have a thing for black men. Get over it. Not everyone wants to see your stupid comments.
    @TicklebellyXXX: How do you determine "most of us" don't want to see lil white porn stars getting a good pussy stretching and anal gape from big black cocks? You have no idea what most of us want.
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