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  • Umm...I don't know. I'm watching the Elite XC matches from earlier tonight that I put on my DVR. Sorry. :dunno:
    The Sox are down 2 games to zip as well. We're going to blow it and blow it haaaaaaaard. I turned on South Park for a bit and I'm about to start slamming some beers. Maybe that will help us win...or just get me drunk. Either way, I won't care after a few hours of beer swizzling.
    Hey bro! Among others, of course, I miss seeing your posts a lot, since I'm not around so much. Hope everything is well for you, and I like your spooky avy. :)
    BEATIN YER DICK! BEATIN YER DICK! YOU PERV! Keep it up, we like pervs here at FO's.
    Hell yeah. I have no friends. My best relationships are with bottles of beer and my TV remote. Followed closely by my penis. But...I digress.
    smokin' da grass, suckin' da weed.... tokin' tha joint, puffin' the sticky icky...
    How's life up in coldsville, Indiana? Down here in slightlylesscold, Indiana it's not too bad. I'm drinking whiskey.. and you're drinking..? (Dont disapoint me, here.) ;)
    Well, I missed the time for over 2 years...then I sat in my apt waiting for Hurricane Ike to take me to OZ...I indulged a bit. No more for another few years looks like...gotta get a job.
    Take care, bud.
    Actually legman works lol.Just so you know my name is a reference to a 1960s rocking little tune by that name as well as to the pornstar "Friday" who I like.
    It didn't fit right which was wierd because I use it at another forum that is identical layout wise to this one and it fit there.In a way it was cool not having the "nd" I could say I had lost 1/2 my mind lol.And when I got it fixed DVC said I had made a mistake as was now just average.
    You mean I got the "nd" added to "mi" to make the last word "mind" like it was always suppose to be.Been at least 2 months now lol.
    How's this bud?
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