The Sox are down 2 games to zip as well. We're going to blow it and blow it haaaaaaaard. I turned on South Park for a bit and I'm about to start slamming some beers. Maybe that will help us win...or just get me drunk. Either way, I won't care after a few hours of beer swizzling.
Hey bro! Among others, of course, I miss seeing your posts a lot, since I'm not around so much. Hope everything is well for you, and I like your spooky avy.
How's life up in coldsville, Indiana? Down here in slightlylesscold, Indiana it's not too bad. I'm drinking whiskey.. and you're drinking..? (Dont disapoint me, here.)
Well, I missed the time for over 2 years...then I sat in my apt waiting for Hurricane Ike to take me to OZ...I indulged a bit. No more for another few years looks like...gotta get a job.
Take care, bud.
The song is about looking forward to "Friday" so yeah thats what it is about.Here is the song I have posted it before here but you may have missed it,yeah it's old but still rocks! Angus Young of AC/DC older brother played guitar in the band.
Actually legman works lol.Just so you know my name is a reference to a 1960s rocking little tune by that name as well as to the pornstar "Friday" who I like.
It didn't fit right which was wierd because I use it at another forum that is identical layout wise to this one and it fit there.In a way it was cool not having the "nd" I could say I had lost 1/2 my mind lol.And when I got it fixed DVC said I had made a mistake as was now just average.