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  • Tell M12 that I'm going to report him to the "Mod Police" since he can't seem to keep his inbox available!


    How are you doing these days, Plas?
    Hey what's goin on? I hacked my phone (rooted) that turned out great but then I bricked it when I flashed a corrupted rom. All good now.
    ;)63.76% right! I just have a thing for cats. And sex. (not combined) And yapping on and on and on and on ......
    I've had that question a few times. It never even occurred to me that my sex might either be of interest or, unclear. Interesting how others see us based on things we can't see because we are too close. Happy to tell you - if you tell me what prompted you to ask! Fair deal?
    I would if I could. We haven't really had enough snow to make an igloo with in years.:( However last year we piled all the snow from my parents house and one of their neighbors together then hollowed it out for the girls. It was just big enough for them. Not really big enough for me though sadly. My trees been up since like November 15th. The girls started looking for their gifts so I put up the tree and wrapped everything early.
    You stole our snow give it back :tongue: lol

    That part I'm not to fond of either but its worth it to make an igloo or a snow fort then have a snowball fight, make snow angels and a snowman. I am just a big kid at heart. At least in the winter when I have snow to play with.
    Oh that's so very tempting. If it gets closer to Christmas and I still don't have any I may see if I can get some shipped in for me to make at least one snowball with. I hate not having snow this time of year. We seem to have way less snow then when I was little here. A green Christmas was unheard of. Now its almost normal. I hate it.
    Thank you Plasma:kiss: Are you enjoying our Canadian weather yet? I still need snow:( It snows just enough to tease me the stops.
    Help, new here why is it when i try to share a link on the forum it blots out (****) the site make the link useless am i doing something wrong (newbie here thanks
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