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  • Hi! I know I'm a few days off here, but thanks for the rep from 'very cool sculptures made'. Glad you liked my work. :thumbsup:
    Easier said than done right now. Thinking about getting a net book(I think that's what it's called)and wifi it to my phone. I'm a complete novice when it comes to this technology.
    Just being able to give out rep. Remember, I'm not able to. I can't even get in the system. I don't even know what it looks like. Petra finally told me the JavaScript isn't compatible with a phone. That and uploading images are about the only things I can't do.
    No problem buddy. I just opened that thread for the first time a couple days ago and noticed you and Bloody nominated me! I have to figure out a way to get in on the rep sharing. Good luck bro! :hatsoff:
    Sure thing.
    Funny thing is I actually found that pic but I didn't use it cause of the log in the bowl!
    Figures you would..........haha
    Yea, shes amazing!
    Whats also ironic is that soon as I made a post, she muted basics (me :() and the cam froze!
    Karma?? :D
    I'm sorry to hear your mom is dissapointed. Please tell her that I am willing to make it up to her with a nice dinner and some erotic dancing.
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