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  • Hey, Shyla. LordFalco again, I just looked up your name and its meaning, and....Damn, girl. You're so GOD Damn sexy, yet your name means 'Blind' in old latin. But it also means water nymph in Gaelic, and goddess in Hindu. I personally prefer the Hindu meaning, because that's what you are.
    Shyla, I'm a huge fan of your photoshoots, and I just want to say YOU HAVE THE MOST GORGEOUS eyes! and the way you put on smokey makeup to heighten them, only makes them all the more beautiful. Just curious, I noticed that your left eye twitches from time to time. Now, I'm a med student, and I think that its called lazy eye, but I think it makes you look really attractive. You are a really beautiful young woman, and can't wait to hear back what you think.
    hi shyla hope everything is going well what are you working on now and what are your future plans can't wait to hear from you rose
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