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  • No, you’ve been very clear ! At least I’m not in the dark. Will be waiting for your next edit then ! And thanks a lot !
    I think my post was a bit confusing, I was getting warnings from the staff for bypassing the filters on the board to show where the files were stored ( o p e n l o a d)
    So I said I would not be censoring the links anymore, they would show up as *********. What I mean't by "you should know where to look" just meant that you change the ****** to o p e n l o a d
    I don't have a new place for files, I just haven't been doing any edits lately, all of the ones I have ever done have been on o p en l o a d.

    Hope that helps, but if I misunderstood your query, let me know and I'll try to help!
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