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  • A very happy New Year.
    All the best I can wish you, lots of joy with family and friend, lots of parties, only nice people around you, but above all an excellent health!
    hehe und ich kannte den begriff model echt nicht im bayrischen raum. aber neuvorschläge trifft es denke ich mal gut
    GR means school class 10 I would have been 15 to start that school year.

    No I'm not from Quebec.

    Your welcome.:kiss:
    English is good. I haven't really used french since I was in Gr 10 so I'm unbelievably rusty.

    It's all good. :kiss:
    distances suck.:(
    I hope to have many fulfilling climaxes. :D

    Dreaming is always fun. I spend part of everyday day dreaming.

    How are you?
    heyhey. did i already rep you? i didnt find it in my profile... the middle of germany its called hessen
    I sure would mind yes!

    Sorry, I thought you wrote dutch as good as you seemed to speak it.

    The situation in Belgium is a bit too complicated to explain in a few words on a board. It actually started when Belgium was "created" as a result of the war in between France and Germany, back in 1815. Belgium was founded in 1830 as a buffer in between France and The Netherlands and Germany. And as you may well know, you just can't "create" a country. As from that day on it's getting worse and worse, just up to where we're now. The international media just doesn't understand what it is all about because, and I have to admit, it's just too complicated.
    But if you'd live here, you'd sure understand. ;)
    Ho ho, niet overdrijven, frieten, bier, chocolade zijn gewoon handelsprodukten. We spreken hier over Vlaanderen en Wallonië en de miljardenstroom die maar niet wil stoppen van Noord naar Zuid.
    Zo werkt het niet langer hoor!
    I'm good finally feeling all better. I hope I stay this way now.

    Hints aren't allowed. Shouldn't be to hard though if you are around regular you'll figure it all out.

    That is exactly what it was suppose to mean.

    I had an alright afternoon. I hope you had a good night and morning.

    Thank's for the rep :hatsoff: I should've repped you. That was a classic pic :D Hope to catch you around the boards :glugglug: Cheers mate
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