
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Actually none of the above. Rick Milk is best in my opnion.
Nikki Nova
Now, once again, in all seriousness, I am virtually 100% certain that I had checked the quote in question from my iPhone, then I never posted anything (on Sunday probably). Then, when I went to make any posts using a quote from my iPhone (in other threads), I kept getting a message that I had quoted something from another thread....yadda yadda yadda! So, it wasn't until I made a post using a quote in the same thread where....well you get the point! Ha ha ha! So, I was the one who had inadvertently caused the other quote to be mistakenly included. Little screens (like an iPhone has) make it hard to catch things like that.

Now, I have a question for Nikki since she is probably the best person that I know to ask. I was going to ask privately, but I figured others might be curious/interested in knowing too, so here it goes:

Of the following, which tastes better (or do you think I would like better)?:

1. Soy Milk
2. Almond Milk
3. Coconut Milk

I received some coupons in the mail to try a half gallon for free, and they are good for either type. As I have never tried/tasted either one, I decided to get an informed opinion before just basically taking a shot in the dark over which one to try. Since I both respect and trust your opinion Nikki, I thank you in advance! If anyone else has a REAL and SERIOUS opinion on the subject, feel free to chime in too.....but Nikki's is the one I am REALLY after.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's awesome Vern! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!!
This pic is from my shoot today for my site. I am just now uploading stuff on my computer. We shot 7 pic sets and 7 videos. The pics are uploading but for some reason the videos won't upload. My comuter is being really difficult. I foresee a LONG and busy 48 hrs ahead of me. I'm busier over the next 4 months then I have ever been in my entire life guys. Just so you know. I am doing my best to be here as much as possible but it's REALLY hard right now. Today I got up and ate breakfast at like 5 a.m and didn't get a second to eat again until 9 pm and I still have so much to do tonight. Ugh.
Nikki Nova
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Hello Nikki and fans of Nikki. It's been a while since I posted anything but I had to share this.

I recently heard this cover of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" that I love as much as the original This way cool version is done with just Piano and Drums and it's the best cover I have heard. If you love good rock you should love this.



  • my best side haha.jpg
    my best side haha.jpg
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know. It's totally crazy huh? I never understood why they built a nuclear plant on the coast of California. It's in between San Diego and Los Angeles and can only safely withstand and 7.0 Earthquake. did people with any IQ above 75 think this was a good idea? SERIOUSLY!
Nikki Nova
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I had thought about doing that too. However, I hated to buy something that I didn't like at all (even for free), and then end up wasting it. Since I genuinely respect Nikki's opinion, and she hasn't steered me wrong yet, I figured I'd run it by her 1st.

By the way, when I drink cow's milk, I'm a low-fat to skim guy now too! Used to be a whole milk guy....but those, as they say, were the days!

On another note, here are some things and facts to think about regarding the tragedy in Japan.

1. The earthquake was just upgraded to 9.0!
2. Japan was shifted 8-13 feet closer to the United States following the earthquake!
3. The Earth's axis was shifted by about 6.5 inches!
4. The Earth was sped up slightly, and a day was shortened by just over one-millionth of a second (1.8 microseconds to be exact)!
5. Nearly 10,000 people either lost their lives or are missing already.
6. All of the unfathomable destruction!
7. Several nuclear power plants are in a critical state...being called somewhere between "Three Mile Island" and "Chernobyl" right now! I grew up in PA during the Three Mile Island accident (about 40 miles away, so within the danger radius), and I know 1st hand that, though not as bad a feared, there was a major spike in cancer rates in the area surrounding the plant! So, all I can say is..."WOW!" Yet, according to a poll conducted following the earthquake and the potential disaster in Japan, by a 71-29% margin, people in the United States still want MORE nuclear power plants! All I can say is WOW!!! Not entirely/exactly shocking, but WOW!!!

I thought the facts that I uncovered, though sad, were quite shocking & I figured I would share them with everyone. It's just so sad (seeing the resulting suffering), and at the same time shocking, that the Earth can unleash such fury!

What is even sadder is that some royal assholes have taken this time to show their true colors in an effort to garner attention from a global tragedy. I'll allow everyone to google this one....but the names Gilbert Gottfried (whole career built off an ugly face and an annoying voice), Glenn Beck (shocker...I believe his is one of the pictures in the dictionary beside the terms "douchebag" and "tool"), and 50 Cent (how anyone sees anything remotely attractive there totally baffles me), come to mind. I have not heard what "classic" Pat Robertson has dropped just yet...but, I'm fairly certain that he wouldn't "let us down"! Seeing the behavior of some makes me all the more grateful that I (like Nikki and virtually everyone in here) possess something that the aforementioned people do not....namely sense and humanity! We should consider ourselves lucky that we are in fact, unlike them (Beck,, members of the human race!

I wish everyone a wonderful week. Be safe, show someone you love them, and try to remember some of the words of wisdom that I have shared with you all this week!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's awesome Vern! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!!
This pic is from my shoot today for my site. I am just now uploading stuff on my computer. We shot 7 pic sets and 7 videos. The pics are uploading but for some reason the videos won't upload. My comuter is being really difficult. I foresee a LONG and busy 48 hrs ahead of me. I'm busier over the next 4 months then I have ever been in my entire life guys. Just so you know. I am doing my best to be here as much as possible but it's REALLY hard right now. Today I got up and ate breakfast at like 5 a.m and didn't get a second to eat again until 9 pm and I still have so much to do tonight. Ugh.
Nikki Nova
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I agree. The picture shows off your best side. I love the way you smiled at the camera, truly tantalizing. Busy day ahead of you, Nikki. :hatsoff:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's awesome Vern! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!!
This pic is from my shoot today for my site. I am just now uploading stuff on my computer. We shot 7 pic sets and 7 videos. The pics are uploading but for some reason the videos won't upload. My comuter is being really difficult. I foresee a LONG and busy 48 hrs ahead of me. I'm busier over the next 4 months then I have ever been in my entire life guys. Just so you know. I am doing my best to be here as much as possible but it's REALLY hard right now. Today I got up and ate breakfast at like 5 a.m and didn't get a second to eat again until 9 pm and I still have so much to do tonight. Ugh.
Nikki Nova
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did you just get photo bombed by the dude in the blue shirt? and is it bad that i noticed him when i have your beautiful backside (and even more beautiful face but thats not alliterative) to look at?

not eating for 16 hours? thats not good. girl, you need an assistant to make sure you get something to eat. id gladly offer up my services i could give you massages and bake you cookies. i could even help you wash your back


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks you guys! Oh and jitna NO no no. The guy in the blue shirt is part of the crew that was working on the set. He is there every single time we shoot for my site. He is a regular "employee" of my webmasters. He works on all of his other sites too. He is just being goofy because he knew it was just a behind the scenes pic. I left my camera on the table when we were shooting one of the other sets later in the day and he and the other assistant took pics of their feet and arms and random wierd shit for me to find when I got home and uploaded everything. hahaha. It made me laugh. They're great guys. They work their ass off but have fun doing so and therefore make it fun for everyone else there too.
Nikki Nova
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I agree. The picture shows off your best side. I love the way you smiled at the camera, truly tantalizing. Busy day ahead of you, Nikki. :hatsoff:

That is a fantastic picture. Very nice Nikki, very nice indeed.

did you just get photo bombed by the dude in the blue shirt? and is it bad that i noticed him when i have your beautiful backside (and even more beautiful face but thats not alliterative) to look at?

not eating for 16 hours? thats not good. girl, you need an assistant to make sure you get something to eat. id gladly offer up my services i could give you massages and bake you cookies. i could even help you wash your back
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks you guys! Oh and jitna NO no no. The guy in the blue shirt is part of the crew that was working on the set. He is there every single time we shoot for my site. He is a regular "employee" of my webmasters. He works on all of his other sites too. He is just being goofy because he knew it was just a behind the scenes pic. I left my camera on the table when we were shooting one of the other sets later in the day and he and the other assistant took pics of their feet and arms and random wierd shit for me to find when I got home and uploaded everything. hahaha. It made me laugh. They're great guys. They work their ass off but have fun doing so and therefore make it fun for everyone else there too.
Nikki Nova
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Is there any openings on the Nikki Nova Crew? I am currently looking for work.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks you guys! Oh and jitna NO no no. The guy in the blue shirt is part of the crew that was working on the set. He is there every single time we shoot for my site. He is a regular "employee" of my webmasters. He works on all of his other sites too. He is just being goofy because he knew it was just a behind the scenes pic. I left my camera on the table when we were shooting one of the other sets later in the day and he and the other assistant took pics of their feet and arms and random wierd shit for me to find when I got home and uploaded everything. hahaha. It made me laugh. They're great guys. They work their ass off but have fun doing so and therefore make it fun for everyone else there too.
Nikki Nova
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id say maybe you should do something to thank them, but they get to work with you, so i think eveythings even


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Vern I think you're joking but it's kind of hard to tell sometimes in the typed word and just in case you are serious...they aren't employed by me. It's not the "Nikki Nova crew". It's the Buzz Aziani crew. Buzz is my webmaster and he has TONS of sites that he runs so he has employees and a full time crew. I only see them once every few months. I can't even afford an assistant darlin' so no...there's no job openings here. haha

Jitna- I hear ya. I do thank them everytime I see them and their ACTUAL thank you would be their paycheck just like any other person with a job, especially right now (economy and all).

Nikki Nova
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Is there any openings on the Nikki Nova Crew? I am currently looking for work.

id say maybe you should do something to thank them, but they get to work with you, so i think eveythings even
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Vern I think you're joking but it's kind of hard to tell sometimes in the typed word and just in case you are serious...they aren't employed by me. It's not the "Nikki Nova crew". It's the Buzz Aziani crew. Buzz is my webmaster and he has TONS of sites that he runs so he has employees and a full time crew. I only see them once every few months. I can't even afford an assistant darlin' so no...there's no job openings here. haha

Jitna- I hear ya. I do thank them everytime I see them and their ACTUAL thank you would be their paycheck just like any other person with a job, especially right now (economy and all).

Nikki Nova
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That's Ok. I keep forgetting that It's The Nikki Nova Nation that I'm applying for. I do work for Whiskey and Fritos too


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Vern I think you're joking but it's kind of hard to tell sometimes in the typed word and just in case you are serious...they aren't employed by me. It's not the "Nikki Nova crew". It's the Buzz Aziani crew. Buzz is my webmaster and he has TONS of sites that he runs so he has employees and a full time crew. I only see them once every few months. I can't even afford an assistant darlin' so no...there's no job openings here. haha

how about an unpaid intern?

Jitna- I hear ya. I do thank them everytime I see them and their ACTUAL thank you would be their paycheck just like any other person with a job, especially right now (economy and all).

Nikki Nova
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i still think they get a VERY nice bonus of getting to work with you. maybe the greatest perk of all time


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well we just had a whole conversation about that very thing on the last page so I don't want to be too repetitive and go through the whole thing again so I will be short. He is an employee of my webmasters. Part of the photography crew. That's all.
How have u been? Haven't seen or heard from you in a hot minute. Great to hear from you!
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So who is the lucky guy ?
